Monday, January 26, 2009

My Loves!

My little Todd!

Zebra Love!
Ri Ri and MK Reading Books Together!
My Crazy Little Wrestlers!
OK so I FINALLY got my new camera! Hip Hip Hooray! :) These are some recent pics from the weekend! We are currently getting iced in. Oh how I LOVE one or two days of being stuck inside with my family. That is of course if all my comforts of home stay on and my food doesn't go bad and my kids don't drive me crazy and my husband waits on me hand and foot.... Oh wait sorry I was dreaming. HA! No really we are so happy to have each other right now and are planning on enjoying our family time and staying warm! We know we are spoiled to live in this country and have everything our hearts desire. Already my eyes have been opened more than ever to the poverty and despair all around us in other countries as we research adoption.

My devotion today was so simple and wonderful. It was about Solomon and how he was called to rule a nation as a teenager. God told Solomon he could have anything he wanted and Solomon said this:
1 Kings 3:9a
"So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong."
That is so what I'm praying for right now as we continue forward on our adoption journey. We are asking God to give us the wisdom knowledge and understanding to know what to do, where to go and how to handle what we have been called to do. I was thinking about what a simple prayer that would be everyday for myself instead of some of the "Please God fix this and please God fix that" that seem to come out of my thoughts and prayers too often. Instead I hope to add a daily prayer of:
Lord give me a discerning heart to know what to do and to follow through with what I have been called to do.
So simple.
It's not supposed to be hard. We make it hard. I'm so thankful God is in control, not me.

Friends I can't wait to tell you our next step. A little hint for you....(It's in the title)
I just read an amzazing book called From Ashes to Africa about a couple named Josh and Amy Bottomly and their adoption journey. Read it if you get a chance. The honesty of the book is what truly spoke to me. There is no sugar coating on their story. It is real. Real is what speaks to others and they did an amazing job portraying their story. Click on the book link above right to view their From Ashes to Africa blog.

I'm off to enjoy my sweet family and to remember how blessed we are to be "trapped" together in this house right now with all our stuff to keep us warm and entertained. I am dreaming already of the day my precious little one will join us forever.....

1 comment:

  1. HEY! You are right.. You are a little behind here! :)

    Thanks so much for the book shout out! Glad you enjoyed it. :)
    Hope to meet SOON! :)
